Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Break

Well, here I am over Christmas Break, and it feels like I'm still in school. I have three college applications to complete before the first of January, and I'm slogging through them. I'm going slow because I want to do my best, and it seems like the effort I put into the last one wasn't enough. I feel like I have all the necessary requirements to attend these schools, I just need to communicate well. Of course, if God doesn't want me somewhere I won't get in. (I'm still struggling with Mr. K's comments on my last blog about predestination, I need to reconcile my beliefs on this.)
Anyway, I knew this would happen if Stanford said no, it was really a bet I took and lost. I try not to complain because this is my own fault for not doing the apps earlier. I am doing some fun activities, though. I have been to a few parties, played basketball, and went duck hunting. And Christmas was awesome, of course. I got a bunch of cool presents, now I just need to write thank-yous.
My reading has suffered the most from being busy writing essays over break, thus the dearth of more intellectual postings. This isn't so much a blog post as an explanation of why there haven't been any. I hope ya'll had a great Christmas and are relaxing over the break.