Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gliding over rough waves

Alright, here we go-another poem. My mom said she liked the ones I wrote before, so I decided to write one for her. It was, of course, written after a stint of reading Gerard Manley Hopkins. I tend to write poetry in similar form to poems I have just read. I really like Hopkin's style, and I think I have done a decent job duplicating at least the form of his writing. I'm not brilliant enough yet to have triple layers of meaning and spiritual truths embedded everywhere. Also, I made the mistake of putting the rhyme in after I had finished the body of the text, so it is not quite as polished as it could have been; the rhyme scheme in the sestet is quite unique. Without further ado,

Gliding over rough waves, surf
Lapping on hull; colors matched
White ship and white clouds pushed and snatched,
Skudding over blues of sky and liquid turf
Fluxing, rolling, wave-tops frothy and beleaguered
What larks! What joyful days remembered!

Just two, joying with all our souls;
Sehnsucht at its pitch - I smile, it breaks
Over faces as waves break the bow nor slakes
The speed! No runner, no thought of another
World on shore can catch the moment, no breather
We are free of freedom, beyond this world
In ecstasy unmatched. My heart is twirled
As glorious past through my mind again rolls.

Richard 5/22/2008

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